Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP Prep Practice Exam

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What is an example of literary symbolism?

A red rose to represent love.

A storm to indicate a threat.

A dove to symbolize peace.

All of the above.

Symbolism in literature is the use of objects, characters, or actions to represent abstract ideas or concepts. A literary symbol can have multiple meanings and can be interpreted in different ways depending on the reader. Option A is an example of symbolism as the red rose can represent love, but it is not the only example of literary symbolism. Similarly, option B is also a valid example of symbolism as a storm can represent a threat, but it is not the only possible symbol for this concept. Option C is also a valid example of symbolism as a dove is often used to symbolize peace, but it is not the only animal that can represent peace. Therefore, option D is the correct answer as all the given options are valid examples of literary symbolism.